Animal care products
At least one pet lives in 35 million German households…
The market for pet supplies, especially for cats and dogs, has grown disproportionately in recent years. In Germany alone, there are more than 25 million cats and dogs and the number is growing every year. The market for pet supplies in Germany reached a sales volume of almost € 5.5 billion (2020).
The market for pet care products is developing in a similar way, targeting not only pet owners but also vets.
The development of well thought-out pet care products with a clear focus on application properties, very good tolerability and outstanding effectiveness is particularly important here.
We at Elbpfoten have therefore teamed up with a veterinarian with a doctorate and many years of experience in daily practice to develop a portfolio of pet care products for dogs and cats that is precisely tailored to the needs of pet owners and vets and also corresponds to the latest scientific findings in the cosmetics industry.
Coat cleaning
Die Fellreinigung hat mehrere Anwendungsbereiche.
Coat cleaning has several areas of application.
Not only humans but also dogs react to environmental allergens and the regular removal of allergens significantly alleviates the symptoms of an environmental allergy (atopic dermatitis).
Antiallergic coat shampoo
The formulation concept here is based on extra mild, sulphate-free surfactants that are particularly well tolerated by pre-damaged skin in a foam pump application.
One-handed operation is particularly important for the dog owner and the otherwise necessary foaming on the dog’s coat is no longer necessary. The very low concentration of surfactants in the shampoo allows frequent use without the risk of drying out the dog’s skin. The shampoo also contains moisturising active ingredients and a pH value of 6.0 – 8.5 that is tailored to the dog’s skin.
Deep cleansing micellar sha
Pets, especially dogs, are often heavily soiled, so a deep cleansing shampoo is required. The shampoo we have developed contains particularly good cleansing surfactants in micellar form, which are known for their exceptional cleansing effect.
A “deep clean” is also essential in the case of giardia infestation, for example.
Optimised packaging and an adapted pH value are a matter of course.
Cleansing oil
Cleansing oils, also known as oil cleansers, are already widely used in cosmetics, but the combination of very good cleansing and intensive care is also very suitable for dogs and cats with sensitive skin and/or heavy soiling.
Many pets react sensitively to aggressive cleaning agents and cleansing oils can help here. Coat/skin care can be suppo
Coat care
Grooming oil
Coat care and the supply of omega-3 oils is not only beneficial for humans, but also for animals with very sensitive skin that is prone to inflammation.
A high content of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docohexaenoic acid (DHA) is particularly important. In principle, various oils can be used, but only algae oil is also a sustainable, vegan product. The stabilisation of an unsaturated oil is known from cosmetics and is also possible in the long term with the appropriate know-how.
Skin and paw care
The skin of dogs and cats requires intensive care for various reasons (small lesions, dermatitis, erythema, calluses, scar care). Manuka honey has proven to be an effective raw material here, which in combination with a rich water-in-oil emulsion helps the animal and soothes irritated areas of skin.
In addition to the skin, the paws are also an important area, as they are more exposed to the environment than human feet. From road salt, lumps of snow and broken glass to skin inflammation between the toes or other paw diseases.
Animal care – Speciality products
Ear cleaner
Ear cleaning is absolutely essential for many dog breeds with floppy ears and sometimes also for other pets, as the animals have no self-cleaning processes.
For pet owners and vets, an ear cleaner is therefore one of the absolute standard products.
The packaging is also very important here and, depending on the application situation, individual ampoules or pump dispenser bottles are necessary to facilitate application and prevent contamination of the ear cleaner with possible germs.
Soaked finger cots with ear cleaner are a particularly advantageous form of administration, as the pet owner cannot penetrate the ear canal as with ear sticks.
Dental care for dogs and cats is an important part of hygiene, especially for older animals. The toothpaste must not contain fluoride and should be as tasteless as possible, otherwise the animal will not like it.
Anti-mucus spray
Every pet owner knows the situation. The pet has a small wound and needs to be prevented from licking. There are various aids available from pet shops, but a bitter substance that stops the dog from licking can also help. The anti-lick spray we have developed is ideal for this purpose. It can be sprayed directly onto the area and the bitter flavour reliably deters the dog. The spray is absolutely well tolerated and the bitter substance is harmless to health. The practical pump spray can be applied with pinpoint accuracy and has a long-lasting effect.
Sun cream SPF 50
The prophylaxis of squamous cell carcinoma in cats with light/white coats or dogs with hair loss is widespread and a necessary treatment for many “free-range” cats. UV-B rays are the cause. A sun protection product with sun protection factor 50 based on effective UV filters and zinc oxide helps to protect against carcinomas.
Detangling and disentangling spray
Every pet owner knows the problem. If the animal spends a lot of time outdoors, burrs are a constant companion and disturb the animal or carry the burrs into the home.
Another group of pet owners try to keep their pet looking well-groomed with long fur, but the fur is difficult to comb and unpleasant for the animal.
There is a solution to both problems – a spray that removes or prevents burrs and improves combability.