Coat care

Coat care

Responsible dog and cat owners naturally know how important regular grooming is. After all, the coat is far more than just a cosy exterior that is wonderful to stroke. The countless fine hairs protect the animal from the weather, form a first barrier against pathogens and also serve as protection against injuries and mechanical influences….

Animal care products

Animal care products

At least one pet lives in 35 million German households… The market for pet supplies, especially for cats and dogs, has grown disproportionately in recent years. In Germany alone, there are more than 25 million cats and dogs and the number is growing every year. The market for pet supplies in Germany reached a sales…

Coat cleaning

Coat cleaning

Pet owners know the situation: the dog rolls around in a dirty puddle with relish and the cat comes home from its nightly foray with a completely filthy coat. Although cats in particular, but also dogs, are very clean animals that devote hours and hours to grooming, sometimes this is not enough. This may be…